Saturday, April 3, 2010

Empower your spirit with laura the voice of truth

Imagine a life without fear. A life full of abundance in health,happiness and wealth. I believe we all can achieve this if we learn to listen to our spirit body. Our spirit body is also known as our energy/emotional system.
Signs that our spirit body is not healthy and out of balance are, anxiety,depression,always looking to be filled with love substitutes, such as over eating,drugs,sex, and anything else we over indulge in a sabotaging way.You may also tell your spirit body is off when relationships and careers are constantly ending , because of the way we react and perceive them to be. When the spirit body is off we have very low self esteem, as well as seeing the world as a unsafe place.
Physically we have very little energy and feel as if our bodies are very heavy. Eventually if the energy body goes too long with out being healed sickness and disease manifest within the physical body, I believe the best preventative care is through healing the spirit body along with neurological and psychology energy work as well as holistic health care. If you feel your spirit is not functioning as well as it could please feel free to call laura the voice of truth, and in no time you will uncover your true self, the self the universe intended you to be. Healthy,happy and a life full of abundance.

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